Marie’s 3 YouTube Videos I

 Hey Friends!

    I’ll be posting daily with the exception of Sundays. Mondays, for me are for catching up with some YouTube videos so here are three I have seen and you might want to ponder about.

Videos like this make me want to look into a product more on YouTube or YSL customer reviews. I love me a good lippie, but I love me a more CUSTOM lippie. MannyMUA says is more like a “satin” finish and I am all about that. $500 for a lipstick printer from Yves Saint Laurent I say is a steal if you are a NERD in the makeup industry or just for the science. Maybe I can convince my hubby when he makes a big purchase for himself he can maybe treat me for one. Hehehe.

Okay okay! You have to watch this videos just for kicks. It’s just an interview of “what could have been” if they were talking on an we-are-ok-to-speak-in-public-together exes kind of level. I mean realistically who’s driving?

If you don’t know me already I LOVE me a Brahmin Bag! Better yet a deal on a Brahmin bag. I did past this store in Texas on our way to Corpus Christi. Ugh I wish I didn’t. There’s not a lot of reviews and video hauls on these fun bags I might do a Show-and-Tell one for ya in the near future.

    Like I said these are some videos that you can ponder on. Mostly though these kinds of videos set my mood for the week. If you have any videos you’d like me to check comment below. Let me know what you think about these videos too!


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